Chinese knots of good luck

The Chinese have traditions and very ancient arts, after all they are part of a very ancient civilization rich in forms of artistic expression. We have talked to you about the stamps and the calligraphy, but surely you recognize the protagonist of the photo above. I myself, right now, have one of those hanging from my window. It is a gift from my Taiwanese friend and a wish for good fortune. I'm talking about the famous chinese knots.

The art of weaving them is very old and in the beginning, centuries ago, they were all made with sound. They look complicated to weave but they aren't that complicated, and the intricate yarn looks great. The Chinese have always hung it in rooms, looking for the gods to bring fortune, prosperity or security to the homeowner and today it has become an object that is in many houses around the world, not just Chinese houses.

Its manufacture today is not handmade and silk is not used, but artificial yarn, but looking in detail we can say that although there are many varieties they are distinguished two classes: those who hang themselves looking for the luck and those that are cooked in the clothing. Within these two general groups there are more varieties, for example, those that hang for good luck (like the one I have to my left) can be large, long and hung on a wall within a room, or they can be smaller and hang from the rear view mirror of the car. And in the case of Chinese knots that appear on clothing, well, there are such as bracelets, rings, necklaces, belts, buttons and earrings.

Their forms are already beginning to be infinite and we cannot stop seeing them without remembering China, right?

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      Jaime Cantillo said

    I wish to learn how to tie the Chinese knot of good luck

      GLEY OVIEDO said

    beautiful, many successes and luck

      GLEY OVIEDO said

    Beautiful, successful and good luck