If you are walking through the south china and you get tired of seeing some white balls in restaurants let me tell you that it is a typical dish from this part of the country: fish balls. And even though they don't look inviting, they don't taste bad. They are meatballs made with minced and seasoned fish meat that is basically sold in street food stalls or in dai pai dong from the city of Hong Kong and you may also see them in other cities in Asia.
They are meatballs but Asian meatballs so they don't look much like western meatballs in texture. On this side of the world, we chop the meat and assemble the balls, but there the meat is mashed and mashed, leaving it very fine. This makes the meatballs not thick but very soft. In the case of Hong Kong there are two types of fish balls: a small one that is sold on bamboo skewers with 5 to 7 units that is made with cheap meat and they are yellow, spicy or not, and another, less common, they are the white balls that are made with more expensive fish. These balls have a different texture and flavor and are usually eaten with noodles in restaurants and not in street stalls.
And what meat are they? Beef, squid or other fish.