The ancient Great Wall of China

La Big WallSymbol of ancient Chinese civilization, it is one of the most famous places in the world. It is located 75 kilometers northwest of Beijing.

Its highest point in Badaling It is about 800 meters above sea level. Construction of the wall began during the Warring States period (476 - 221 BC). Previously, the walls were built at strategic points in different kingdoms to protect their northern territories.

In 221 BC after the first emperor of the Qin dynasty unified China, he decided to have the walls linked and prolonged. Historical records show that around 1 million people, one fifth of China's population at the time, participated in the US building project that took more than ten years.

There isn't much to say about the Great Wall of China that hasn't already been said, a supreme achievement of human endeavor and ingenuity on a scale almost unimaginable even by today's standards.

To give a perspective on what it represents try the following: the wall is about 4.000 kilometers long in North China. This is roughly the same distance between London and Chicago, in a straight line!

It should be noted that the current wall is mostly the remnant from the time of the Ming dynasty, which began to build a solid stone and brick wall from the 1440s against the warfare of the northern neighbors.

The wall varies in height and width throughout and parts are in bad shape as there is hardly a wall there. However, much has been preserved and restored in recent years, especially in areas close to Beijing, which in some places have also preserved their famous towers, barracks, and promenades.

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