The most visited historical buildings in China

China landmarks

It not only possesses a diversified ancient architecture but it is also the personification of the splendid culture and the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient inhabitants. It is about China that offers the world its magnificent historical buildings that cannot be missed.

summer Palace

Located on the outskirts of the Haidian District, 15 kilometers (9,3 miles) from downtown Beijing, this magnificent palace contains examples of ancient arts and offers elegant landscapes and magnificent buildings. The Summer Palace is the archetypal Chinese garden, and ranks among the most remarkable and classical gardens in the world.

Potala's palace

It is situated on the red hill of Lhasa, in Tibet, 117 meters high and covering an area of ​​more than 130 square meters which mainly consists of the White Palace (administrative building) and the Red Palace (religious building).
The Potala Palace is famous for its grand buildings, intricate constructions, the atmosphere of devotion and wonderful works of art.

The Palace Museum

Located in the center of Beijing, the Forbidden City, was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties that is located north of Tiananmen Square.
Rectangular in shape, it is the largest palace complex covering 72 hectares. There, the The Palace Museum is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world.

Zhaozhou Bridge

Also called the Big Stone Bridge, it is a key cultural relic under national protection located in Hebei. This stone arch bridge has a history of 1400 years. It measures 64,4 meters long and 9,6 meters wide. It has a main arch and 4 additional small arches on both sides. The bridge was well designed and looks elegant.

The Yellow Crane Tower

It is located on the border of the Yangtze River at the top of Serpent Hill. It is splendid. Naturally, it becomes a well-known tourist attraction. The roof is covered by 100.000 yellow tiles. With yellow eaves facing up, each floor appears to have been designed to resemble a yellow crane spreading its wings to fly.

Yueyang Pavilion

Located in Henan province, this pavilion has three floors of a rectangular building that reaches 15 meters in height and is built entirely of wood. Surprisingly, no nails or beams have been used in its construction.

This is a rare feature in classical architecture. Seen from a distance, the Yueyang Pavilion looks like a giant bird in flight. The red building with its yellow glazed roof tiles is a splendid and colorful sight.

Songyue Pagoda

It is the oldest existing pagoda in China. Built in 520 AD, it is located in the Songyue Monastery on Mount Song, in Henan Province. Both the main body and the pedestal of the pagoda have twelve sides, making it a unique pagoda in the country.

The exterior of the pagoda features the entire contour of a smooth parable, making it not only imposing and magnificent, but also graceful and elegant, fully showing the high artistic level of its design.

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