As we have ever commented, thanks to the richness of flavors, the use of typical ingredients and the presence of spices and dressings, Colombia has a rich gastronomy which is the product of the fusion of different cuisines, from Spanish to indigenous.
Although there are some typical dishes that are common to all regions of the country, as in most cases, each area has its own particular flavors, which are tasted by expert palates from each region. One of the most traditional dishes of the Santander Department is Mute Santandereano, which you can taste in bucamaranga or in any other city in the region since it is offered in most restaurants and is even the most consumed dish by tourists visiting that area of the country.
This dish based on beef rib and pork is a kind of exquisite stew thanks to the presence of a large amount of vegetables and spices. Would you like to know the recipe?
Here I leave you with her:
1 kilo of beef rib
1 pound of pork
1 kilo of precooked corn
1 leg of beef clean and split
1 kilo of corn peeled and cooked yellow or white, if you prefer it can be mixed
1 pound of Creole potato peeled and chopped
½ pound of shelled green beans
½ pound of shelled green peas
½ pound of shelled tender cob
5 cabbage leaves, chopped
macerated garlic to taste (optional)
1 big onion
1 branch of parsley
1 whole peeled carrot
For the home
Ripe tomato previously peeled and without seeds, finely chopped
Long onion, finely chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
¼ cube of chicken broth
Cook the beef leg and reserve the broth. In a pot with water add the marinated garlic, the big onion, the parsley branch and the carrot, the pork and the beef rib. Cover the pot for 15 minutes and cook until it boils. Add salt to taste and continue cooking until the meat is tender. Remove the meat and reserve.
On the other hand, remove the onion, parsley and carrot from the broth obtained and return to the fire. Add potatoes, beans, squash, peas, corn on the cob, cabbage and corn. When they are almost soft, add the meats and the precooked corn. Cook for approximately 15 minutes. Serve adding a portion of home (it is made by mixing the ingredients in a previously hot pan with oil). Serve with white rice, avocado and peeled corn arepa.
I am a boyaco based in Antioquia. I tried this recipe and it was delicious. Now I am eager to learn how to prepare WHEAT MUTE. Can you help me with the recipe? Receive my thanks and congratulations for being Colombian delicacies. Peter
I was looking for the typical dishes of vichada not of santander aber if you think a little
I was looking for the typical dishes of vichada not of santander aber if you think a little why it is that maybe you don't know how to read vichada no santander
I got the recipe for mute Santander because I feel very proud to be from Santander and I stay delicious, try it, it is rich, there is no such thing as Santander food, the arepa, the meat oriada and the best pepitoria and yucca want more
do not be inept fools show mute images hahaha
That mute so delicious, indeed the satandereana food is the tastiest, I say it that I am not santandereana, but really very good
respect the peasants, if it weren't for them, those of the city could die of hunger that is to think
I am from Santander and apparently they confused the mute soup with the vegetable soup or santandereano ajiaco the only thing missing is the yucca eye when they publish a recipe. be more careful.
Please show YOUR culture. It would be good to show that Colombia has something more than rudeness and bad words. Let's learn to show the KIND, EDUCATED AND INTELLIGENT face that Colombia has
Thank you for all the contributions you make, you know Santander women whet my appetite
Hello. Whenever we prepare the original mute we think of a mixture of grains and meat. In fact, the essence of a mute is the grains.
The base of the recipe, then, is corn, chickpea and beans. The meats are rib of beef and pork. The way to thicken is through squash. The true mute does not have calluses, as it would degenerate into a tripe. Instead, it has an essential ingredient that is beef. You can bring some potato but not necessarily, as this tuber is not consumed much in Santander, in exchange you can include cassava in squares.
Greetings to the kind readers of this chat.
The one who steps on Santanderean land is considered Santanderean.