A great legacy has left us the teacher Roger Salmon, not only for those who are linked in some way with the office of architecture, also the common people who have the opportunity to enjoy and experience their works. Leaving as a motto: "Poetry, architecture is poetry, something very meaningful that is translated through a constructed metaphor", a phrase that for many of our greedy builders may sound very "romantic" defines in itself what true architecture is, an art .
Although he was not born in Colombia (Paris, 1929), he is one of the most illustrious figures in our country, where he developed most of his work, especially in the city of Bogotá. In the beginning, he had the opportunity to work with one of the masters of modern architecture, Le Corbusier, he made different trips through Europe and Africa that defined his style forever, applying in his works the management of water mirrors, the central patio and paths, typical of Arabic and Spanish architecture, successfully reinterpreting them in our landscapes, standing out for a wide use of brick and exposed concrete. Among his best-known works are the Virgilio Barco Library (in the photo), the Torres del Parque, the General Archive of the Nation building, and the Casa de Huespedes Ilustres, in Cartagena.
In October 2007 he said goodbye and thanks to a great artist and poet of Colombian architecture.
Photos: Phaneroscope