The longest bar in the world is in Düsselforf

If you plan to visit Dusseldorf, go for a walk, walk all its corners and take a break while drinking a beer, you cannot miss the longest bar in the world.

It is actually the sympathetic association that several bars in the city have made. Ratinger Street who have come together to offer their customers Altbier beer, which is the specialty of the city. The street is not very long and the bars occupy an entire side - where one bar ends the other begins - and they place the tables along the sidewalk that go from one end to the other, giving this particular appearance of a unique and great Pub.

Located in the old quarter of the city, after a couple of very cold altbiers and maybe some delicious sausages spread with the best mustard, you can now leave the bar at the end of the street and visit the park Hofgarten or Goethe museum.

Photo: Jaunted

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