Greek non-alcoholic drinks

Mountain tea in Crete

Each country has its own typical drinks and they are not always related to alcohol. We think of Vienna and coffee, for example, or India with its tea, just to name a few examples. The point is that If you go to Greece, what non-alcoholic drinks can you try?

Greece has some non-alcoholic drinks that are typical and you can try in a cafe or tavern as well. There are varieties of tea, waters and other concoctions. If you like herbal teas, I would recommend that you do not leave Greece without having tried the most typical ones. I leave these examples for you to write down and ask for when you are there:

  • Sage tea: This tea is very popular throughout the Mediterranean area and is made with local sage. It is served hot and seeks to have a relaxing effect and helps with colds or respiratory problems.
  • Kanelada: as his name may make us suspect he is a Cinnamon tea. It is usually served cold or with ice and there are even those who add cinnamon syrup to the base. It is sweet and aromatic.
  • badass: it is a tea that is made with a special herb, the syriac siderica. It is diuretic and they say it reduces perspiration. It has a pleasant and smooth aroma and honey color although it is not so sweet. In Crete they add a little honey.
  • Mountain tea: it is a herbal tea that is also made with the syriac siderica, Greek mountain grass. It is popular in Crete and add a little oregano and thyme.
  • Mastic water: It is from the island of Chios and resin is used with water or rose water. It is refreshing and seems to help the immune system.

You already know some of the natural and non-alcoholic drinks that you can try in Greece. To drink it has been said!

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