Greeks drink mountain tea

Mountain tea

Greeks drink coffee, it is true, but greeks drink tea? Are you wondering if you can have a cup of tea in Greece? I clarify that yes, and that you can even taste typical flavors of Greece in terms of infusions.

A traditional infusion that is drunk a lot, especially in winter, is called Mountain tea. It is an infusion of herbs that comes from the plant sideritis. They are wild flowers that abound in the Mediterranean region, grow between rocks and remain perennial. It has had many uses throughout history: they were used to improve digestion, to cure pain, to relieve a cold or flu.

It is known that this mountain tea has antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. The Greeks prepare this tea in boiling water, in a small saucepan. Once the water boils, the heat is lowered and the plant is placed inside. Boil like this for about five minutes. Greek tea is served with honey and it must be taken into account that it becomes softer or stronger depending on the time the herb is left inside.

I said above that mountain tea was drunk in winter, preferably, but indeed many drink it in summer as well. Cold, with ice and with honey. This mountain tea is not the only tea drunk in Greece. I also drink Chamomile tea, as a relaxing infusion at night, sage, melissa and lavender tea.

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  1.   andres manuel betancort martinez said

    I have visited Greece about 23 times, having friends there makes it easier. It is a country that I liked a lot from my first visit, and above all, the open and friendly character of its people.Through some Greek friends, I learned about mountain tea and some problems I had, stomach, they found a rapid improvement as well as asthmatic problems due to allergic rhinitis, which also found improvement. My house is never missing because I usually travel every year to that beautiful country and I bring it with me, or my friends send it to me in one way or another. I can only recommend it.