The first Greek advertisements

Since the cave man recorded the walls, he was already leaving a message and long before, the man wanted to convince the other and tried to do it through the word, through publicity, that each one did it as he could according to the historical moment in who lived.

En Greece when the ships arrived they brought people with a good voice and diction to shout the merchandise they were bringing, thus the proclamations were born, which were usually accompanied by an instrument. This propaganda specialized and these people, the prolegomena, were highly coveted from the XNUMXth century BC, to offer merchandise, for their powerful voice and their power of conviction.

In the Ancient Greece Already around 480 BC, the first written communications appeared and placed in places so that everyone could find out about the news, that is, the first mass propaganda media, for which axons and kirbos were used.

Axons They were parallelepipeds, they were made of wood and painted white, and on them was written, for example, the code of the laws of Solon, after the battle of Salamis against the Persians was finished, government messages were also written for the people.

The Kirbos They are also from that time, they are wooden cylinders and all kinds of news were written there.

The Greeks were one of the first to whitewash walls to write advertising, they also used banners to inform something. Graffiti was already in use at that time.

Engraving the emperor's face on the coins is a form of propaganda. With the appearance of the printing press, propaganda takes the great leap.

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