The origin of Zeus


In the poem Theogony u Origin of the gods of Hesiod, (lived in the XNUMXth century ac) tells us the origin of the world. First there was Chaos, from the union of Chaos with Gaea (the earth) were born Uranus (the sky) and Pontos (the sea), Uranus engendered some giant monsters, called Titans, Cyclops, he also begat Kromos (the time) who dethroned his father becoming owner of the world. From the union of Kromos with the goddess Rhea, many children were born whom he devoured when they were born, to prevent them from revealing themselves against her power. But Rhea managed to save some, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter and Hera. Zeus He fought against his father, chained him and inherited his power, but had to fight against Kromos' brothers, the Titans who wanted to avenge the dethroned god. These monsters endowed with extraordinary strength put Mount Ursa on Mount Pelion to climb Olympus. But Zeus With the help of his brothers he defeated the Titans and struck them down with the divine ray.
Since then Zeus He was the undisputed ruler of the Universe, he gave the world harmony and peace. He lives on the top of Olympus in the palaces made by his son Hephaistos (god of fire and industry). Zeus head of men, of the gods, distributes the government of the world among his brothers.
Poseidon reigns over the seas. Hades is the lord of the underworld. Tuck, is the goddess of the fertile land. Athena his daughter, goddess of intelligence. Apollo identifies with the sun. Artemis goddess of the night was identified with the moon.
Hera his wife, protected the marriage, the births and all manifestations of life.
Zeus is not only the supreme god, fair well, a synthesis of the divine intelligence that maintains order, both in the moral world and in the physical world.

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  1.   Aetius said

    Hey ... the cult of Zeus is around 1200 or 1300 BC (maybe more)

  2.   nina said

    I would like to know where the statue of Zeus is currently and who made it, because at school (institute) we are working on that, THANKS.

  3.   mathias said

    I would like to know where Zeus comes from