History of Thrace

Thrace It is a region located on the Balkan Peninsula, north of the Aegean Sea, between Bulgaria, Greece and European Turkey.

The people of Thrace Due to their wealth from the gold and silver mines, they were subjected many times, they were also recruited as mercenaries for their efficiency and because they were many inhabitants.

It was the scene of one of the twelve labors of Hercules, who was to bring the carnivorous mares of King Diomedes to Eurystheus.

The region of Thrace its limits have varied over time. Currently the Rhodope Mountains separate Greek Thrace from Bulgarian Thrace, and the Maritsa River separates Turkish Thrace from Greek Thrace. In the Greek area, the following cities Komotene, Xanthe and Alexandropolis stand out.

It is the place where the most important gladiator of all time Spartacus was born.

It is an agricultural region, where tobacco, rice, wheat, cotton, silk, olive oil, and fruits are produced.

After many border changes, at the end of the First World War, after the Paris Peace Conference, Greece received from Bulgaria the Thrace Western, and from Turkey Eastern Thrace and almost most of the Aegean islands. But it was not easy for the Greeks to occupy those places since the inhabitants did not allow it and many struggles had to be fought. During the Second World War, the borders changed again, but at the end of this, the Greek-Bulgarian borders and later the Greek-Turkish borders returned to the place. Many Muslims, Bulgarians and Turks live in this region.

A train tour in the Thrace region is fabulous for the beauty of the landscape.

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