The crops of Egypt


Egypt It is a country that receives a lot of important income, speaking in terms of the economy, coming from tourism and oil. But those are not the only important contributions to the economy that Egypt receives every year. Egypt is characterized because a large part of its population is dedicated to agriculture, so it becomes an important economic factor.

While practically everything is grown in Egypt, the most important plantations in the country are sugar cane, wheat and sorghum, but there are also important plantations of tomatoes, cotton, dates and other citrus fruits.


Unfortunately, these crops cannot be found throughout the country, due to the fact that the egypt climate not the best for agriculture so this type of plantation can only be found around the Oases and rivers.

A very interesting fact is that working in these crops is usually very dangerous, since the black-necked cobra usually lives in them, which causes the death of many farmers every year.

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      lajuli said

    I do not know anything they are donkeys ¬¬

      lajuli said

    by God they are not more donkeys because they do not give them the time what I was looking for was «products that the Egyptians cultivated and I did not find anything !!!!!! omg burrosssss ...... AH AND LAJULI DO NOT COPY MY NAME -.-

      albany said

    Egypt was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice

      miracles said

    thanks for teaching as they grasp it, with images, words, etc.

      carla de jesus said


      chili said

    It is true I had to look at what time did the Egyptians cultivate?

      freddy sanchez said

    it is better wikipedia I tell you in case