Egyptian crowns



Ancient Egyptian crowns were the strongest symbol of power in ancient Egypt. These crowns show a very varied iconography since their appearance.

A large number of texts found over many years give an idea of ​​what the coronation ceremony of the pharaohs.

The crowns were kept in the Two Chapels, where the sacred objects of the royal family were kept, the king approached the crowns, and they put them right there, in the chapels.



There were different types of crowns:

It is the one that represents Upper Egypt and its first appearance is in the Protodynamic era.
The white crown:

The red crown:
It is the one that represents lower Egypt and was related to the goddesses Wadjet, Amonet and Neit.

The double crown:
It is the one that represents Lower and Upper Egypt as a whole.

The Atef crown:
It appears to be just a more complex form of the white crown.

The Hemhem crown:
It is considered as a variation of the Atef crown.

The jeperesh crown:
It appears for the first time in the Second Intermediate Period.

The Shuty Crown:
It is a crown that only the women of the royal house and the divine adorers wore.

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