Main festivals of Egypt

Egypt It is an amazing Arab country that has many festivals and celebrations. Some of them are historical, some are modern art festivals, and some are religious holidays.

Ancient Egypt had many festivals, including the King's or Queen's birthday celebrations, the King's Election festival, and the Nile River flood festival, which are no longer celebrated. Modern Egypt has its religious festivals that are still celebrated today by all the Egyptian people. Among the most popular we have:

Sham el naseem

It is an ancient Egyptian festival that is still practiced by Muslims and Christians today. The name means the smell of spring and it is celebrated in this season.

It is a one-day festival in which Muslims and Christians meet and go outdoors for picnics where there are salted fish, colored eggs and onions.

Some people prefer to take a motorboat for two hours and hang out along the Nile in a very large garden known as Al Qanater Al Khayria. Here they ride horses or rent QW bikes and spend the day. Sham Al Naseem is a day when every part of the country is busy and full of people and happy faces are everywhere.

Moulid Al-Nabi

It is the Muslim holiday of the day of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, the prophet of Islam. It is celebrated on the 12th of Rabei Al Awal, which is the 3rd month of the Muslim calendar. Colorful clothes are scattered on the walls and floors of the streets and party lights are everywhere. The traditional meal of the day includes Halawet Al Moulid, a special kind of sweet nutty candies, Arousset Al Moulid, a sweet doll for girls, and Husan Al Moulid, a horse treats for young children.

Eid al fitr

It is a three-day festival that marks the end of the Ramadan fast. Ramadan and Eid Al Fitr always come on the same date on the Muslim calendar, but they differ on the Western calendar, which is also used in Egypt. The two festivals usually move for up to 11 days for each year the Muslim calendar is based on the lunar cycle and the Western calendar is based on the solar cycle.

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