What is the best time of year to visit the Philippines

When one thinks of a trip to philippinesYou are surely thinking of enjoying the duration of your visit to the Asian country to the fullest, but there is a factor that is often not taken into account, but that can ruin or add a lot to any trip, climate.

Happens that Philippines Despite being on the Asian continent, it is a country that has a tropical climate, which means that most of the year it is quite hot, so you have to know well what is the best time to visit it.

During the year there are three well-marked seasons in the Philippines:

Summer (Tag-Init or Tag-Araw): It runs from March to May. During this time of year temperatures are quite high, ranging between 29 and 32 degrees.

Rainy season and typhoons (Tag-Ulan): It runs from June to November. The temperatures during this time are very similar to those of summer, but storms do not make it highly recommended to visit the Philippines.

Cold and dry season (Tag-Lamig): runs from December to February. It is the most recommended time of year to visit the Philippines, since the temperature during it usually oscillates between 22 and 28 degrees.

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