As you well know the nuts they are a nutritional food of great importance for the diet of the human being. Of course, it is worth mentioning that the consumption of nuts, in large quantities is not highly recommended because they are ample sources of calories, a little of them a day is enough. The point to highlight with all the aforementioned foods is that they reduce the oxidation cycle of cells as well as they can also be useful against skin blemishes.
If you travel to India, you will be surprised to see that many dishes of the traditional They are made on the basis of nuts. According to studies, the Hindu civilization already knew the properties of nuts for thousands of years ago, and they knew how to apply it to their diets. One of the most popular recipes of the hindu gastronomy, made based on nuts is Pilaff with Nuts or Basmati Rice, very common in the menus of Indian restaurants. To prepare this dish, use is made of peanut oil, rice, onion, garlic, carrots, coriander, cumin seeds, black mustard and bay leaf. We can also find desserts such as ice creams made from nuts.
It is worth mentioning that in many towns in India such as Ajmer, we can find street vendors offering in local markets nuts at very low prices. Without a doubt, nuts are a good alternative to eating tasty dishes and spending little.
As a final fact, we tell you that the cashews It is very good for your health and helps you lose weight. Why don't you dare to try it?
I usually buy (in nut stores) a dried fruit that I know by the name of horse chestnut but it is not called that, it is similar to the cashew, I would like to know what this fruit is called.
Thank you