Homeopathy and Osteopathy: Alternative Medicine in India

Today we are going to talk about the alternative medicine. Let's start by mentioning the homeopathic medicine. Have you ever heard of her? Well, it is a type of alternative medicine, which offers treatments for the cure of various diseases, through a controversial method, where a substance capable of producing the same symptoms as the disease is administered to the patient. It is worth mentioning that it is a low cost treatment and accessible to everyone, perhaps that is why it is so popular in the India. Yes, in this country, the authorities have included homeopathy within hospital plans to combat health diseases such as asthma, diarrhea and anemia, especially in women and children, and according to studies it is giving effective results, which which has once again generated a stir with scientists and doctors who claim that this treatment has no scientific basis.

It is important to mention that in India, homeopathy is practiced in the main public health services, and that there are hundreds of study centers offering courses in homeopathic medicine. Today India is estimated to have nearly 100,000 homeopathic doctors.

Another of the types of alternative medicine used in India and that have become the favorites of patients and doctors is the osteopathy, a cure through the hands. This cure for diseases is fundamentally based on the correct position of the body's bones for the proper functioning of the body. Through certain massages with the hands, pain, fatigue and even diseases can be alleviated because what these holistic technique massages do is harmonize body, mind and soul.

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      Carlos florez said

    I think it's great that they include alternative therapies in hospitals because their low costs and positive results give the patient more option for their recovery, remembering that we are not only body but also mind and spirit. congratulations and go ahead.