Mc Donalds in India

As we well know, MC Donalds is a fast food chain with its famous hamburgers, french fries and happy meals for children, among other products. Its extension in the world has been consolidated in various marketing strategies. It is possible to find their services in countries of America, Japan, China, Greece, India.


In the last country Mc Donalds has managed to gain acceptance from the population despite its culinary traditions, eat what your region produces.

This important fast food chain expands the world incalculable, through the renovation and opening of new stores, the experimentation of new menus prepared with the typical foods of the region and changes in delivery services with which has made the name of Mc Donalds stay in the subconscious of each individual when thinking about what to eat.


In India the market has grown rapidly, but there has also been competition from KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell. Despite the significant competition, Mc Donalds remains among the favorite options.

In order to attract the attention of the Hindu population, McDonalds has had to show its attractive offers. Actually captivating the local market was a real challenge mainly because of the meat that was being thrown in the burgers. In India hamburgers made from pork, chicken, fish were introduced and also, a great variety of vegetarian dishes which were given the denomination of Mc Curry Bread. This was an important strategy because it took a lot of risk, in India most of its rooms they don't eat beef, Any dish prepared with vegetables and everything that is produced in the region is preferred. However, Mc Donalds was able to conquer with his hamburgers, making it possible for the majority who do not like pork to like it through a Mc Donalds hamburger.


The market is growing for the company thanks to the support it has received from the population and its innovative vegetarian combinations sustain it, captivating its customers even more. Mc Donalds stores are on the rise having more than 110 restaurants in Mumbai and Delhi, but also with the conviction of opening new stores. This is how through strategies a company can open new paths, Mc Donalds did it and it succeeded.

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