The characteristics of Calcutta

One of the most important states in India is undoubtedly that of West bengal a place whose capital is the city of Calcutta, fourth largest in all of india, so probably as you are imagining that is not the main tourist destinations of this country full of culture, recreation, festivity, religion among other attractions.


At present it is a very vibrant and renowned city in the world, it is also known as the cultural capital of india and it is always talked about for being a very alive place, with a large number of traditions that are demonstrated to the world for the joy of the people who live in it.

In this place there are many people who are dedicated to visiting it to enjoy a little of the culture of the country, and on some occasions there are many executives and business people who are going to spend some time in the place, therefore also they are thinking of doing Business tourism they can think of Kolkata as a destination to know and enjoy.

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      your said

    What I really wanted to know was what their economic, social and cultural characteristics were, but even so, thank you, I will keep looking BYE