Customs of Japanese society


Many Tourists what have they done Japan travel, they were amazed with many of his manners y traditions, especially those who come from West. Next we will know some of the most popular habits (write down these data if you are traveling to this wonderful country).

-Avoid the physical contact and the movement of the hands when you speak with a Japanese, since they can consider them as aggressive gestures. The tone of voice should not be high either, since the walls of the houses are usually thin and publicly it is not well seen.

-It is forbidden to smoke in the street, except in the emblematic "smoking areas".


-In the Mechanic stairs you must be on the left side. Only people in a hurry are on the right side.

-La japanese food culture indicates that one should never serve meals ni drinks himself, but someone else must do it for us. For this reason, you have to be vigilant in order to serve others in a timely manner. diners.

-The famous chopsticks «ohashi»Should only be used for eating. For no reason should you use them to signal or to play.

-If you throw objects on the ground, they can make a fine. The Japanese they are very strict with citizen duties.

-It is an attitude of good manners to wear some gift or some food at person o family that you visit.

Then we will continue to know more customs of the Japanese society.

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