Kobe Beef, the most expensive meat in the world

A kilo of this meat costs in Europe around 200 euros. It is the variety of Japanese origin known as Wagyu or as Kobe Beef, similar to the Aberdeen Angus. The peculiarity of this meat is that it has its fat distributed within the muscle mass and not around it; being tender, tasty and healthy meat. A secret: they receive massages, they have a life of kings feeding on beer and sake.

This is Kobe beef, and it is worth noting that the cattle from which the meat comes is not exactly from this city Kobebut from various rural areas of Japan. The name of Kobe is due to the fact that this is the port from which the meat is shipped to different parts of the world. Kobe is the capital of Tajima Province, also known as Hyogo Prefecture.

These oxen are known as Tajima, a Japanese cattle lineage also called kuroge wagyu (black-skinned cattle). Currently, only 262 farms raise this type of oxen, with a stall of 5 to 15 cattle per farm. Each animal receives all the attention that a sick child would receive.

Their diets are very strictly controlled and consist mainly of Sake y beer. But that is not all. Each day, in addition, they receive a massage which helps to relax muscle tone, ultimately providing extremely tender and very tasty meat.

Well, it is not about cattle raised exclusively on beer, but beer is added to their diet, particularly during the summer months, which is when their diet interacts with the body's fat stores. As for the massage, it is justified by the fact that calmed, relaxed and satisfied cattle have been found to provide a much higher quality meat.

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