Typical products from La Mancha in Valdepeñas

Saint Borce is a store that offers all kinds of typical foods from La Mancha, such as cheeses, wines, quail, olive oil, venison pâtés, honey and sweets from the region. Although they are very exclusive and the wines are high-end, they are not the most expensive.

The wines that we can find in Saint Borce, are mostly of Valdepeñas, denomination of origin of La Mancha. All in order to support local products and thus maintain the good references that tourists have about them. Well labeled bottles of wine can be found for only 1.50 euros.

This is a very particular store, decorated with saddlebags and wicker baskets, which attract the attention of tourists who come in looking for a special product, or who simply take a close look at the impressive decoration.

En Saint Borce It is also possible to get some kind of souvenir of the trip to Valdepeñas  (Ciudad Real) and to Castilla-La Mancha, such as clay pots, Quixotes and the most popular and typical of all, which are the wooden barrels that are used a lot for home decoration.

People come to this store from all over Spain and the world. Andalusians, Albacete, French and English see in this store a good option to buy good gastronomic products at good prices, which could be an excellent idea for gifts this Christmas.

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