The products of the gastronomy of Ciudad Real they are very varied and certainly tasty. Good Manchego cheese is not usually lacking in many of the dishes of this cuisine, as well as a good Manchego gazpacho, which is another of the products of this land. Surely the pisto, the gachas and the migas, are three dishes that sound familiar to you from the gastronomy of Ciudad Real, since they are very typical of this area of Spain. Tourists really enjoy these simple and traditional dishes.
A good dessert could be some torrijas, a Valdepeñas joint or even a good sponge cake, which are typical products of these lands and that will surely be to the liking of all who pass through Ciudad Real and they can enjoy these flavors that this land offers to all visitors, who are very satisfied with all these dishes. The gastronomy of Ciudad Real is very wide and with a variety of flavors.
I recommend The typical dishes and the game dishes of the biki-bat restaurant in the Plaza de Almagro, next to the corral de comedias.
Cheap and cozy.
Give wine tastings for groups and congresses.
Typical dishes and game dishes from the biki-bat restaurant in Plaza de Almagro, next to the corral de comedias.
Cheap and cozy.
Give wine tastings for groups and congresses.