Typical dishes of the Andean region

Typical dishes of the Andean region

When we visit other cities we like to discover gastronomy to know how to eat in other places, but we like it even more when we travel to other countries. Whether you are from the Andean region or if you want to travel to this part of the world, you probably want to know what are the dishes typical of the Andean region To reproduce them at home or to be able to eat them from expert cooks in the area.

The Andean region is the central zone of the country of Colombia, which is crossed by three mountain ranges and where the departments of Nariño, Cauca and Valle del Cauca are found; Caldas, Risaralda, Quindio, Antioquia, Huila, Tolima, Cundinamarca, Boyaca, Santander and Norte de Santander.

Next I am going to present you some interesting facts about the gastronomy of the Andean region so that you know what kind of food they eat, what they like the most and what dishes are the ones that you might like the most to try –although I leave that to your discretion-. 

Typical food of the Andean region

Colombian meat, one of the typical food of the Andean region

Lechona, one of the typical dishes of the Andean region

Lechona is a typical dish of the Andean region based on pork. It is usually prepared in the oven - preferably in clay. Whoever cooks it cleans it well and removes the entrails, seasoning it inside and out. He turns the body on its back and fills it with the animal's own meat and prepares a stew with potatoes, rice, salt, onions… It is put in thread and presented to the diner once everything is finished. Although each cook tends to give it his special touch, it is undoubtedly a dish praised by all the inhabitants of the region.


The tamale is a typical food of the Andean region that is prepared with rice, chicken meat, pork and grains that are wrapped in banana leaves. It can also be served with arepas and chocolate. It is also a very popular dish that all travelers want to try when they go to restaurants in the region.

Rib broth

The rib broth as its name suggests is made with ribs, boiled beef ribs. It is made with sliced ​​potatoes, onion, garlic and to have a good flavor, you cannot miss the pieces of coriander. It is a very typical dish of this region and that everyone likes to enjoy.


Andean region gastronomy potatoes

Ajiaco is one of the typical dishes of the Andean region that may sound like a strange or little-known name to you, but it is very common in the Andean region and in Colombian cuisine. The ingredients that cannot be absent are the three types of potatoes that are eaten in the Andes (Sabaneras potatoes, pastusa potatoes and Creole potatoes), nor can they be without guascas. Potatoes are known as potatoes.

This dish features shredded chicken and potatoes to give the dish a creamy texture. It also has capers, cream, avocado and chili.


The white manjar is known throughout the Andean region and is differentiated by its great flavor. It is a dessert that everyone loves because it is sweet and with a flavor that is difficult to find in other places that are not specialized in this dessert. This dessert contains milk, sugar, flour, cornstarch, vanilla essence, cinnamon sticks and lemon peels. On the Internet you can find the recipe in case you dare to make it at home, it will surely come out delicious.

The paisa tray, typical food of the Andean region

This is one of the typical dishes of the Andean region that does not stand out for having some main ingredients in particular, it is a dish that is characterized by abundance. The paisa tray has many different foods and lots of it. To be able to serve this dish it must be done on a large tray and whoever eats it must have a well prepared stomach, not everyone is capable of eating too much food in one sitting, therefore, It is a dish that is usually shared between several people.

Other aspects of the gastronomy of the Andean region

Andean region gastronomy lechona

Fritangas and broths

IF we talk about Cundiboyasense cuisine, you should know that dishes –unhealthy- predominate, such as fritters and others –most healthier-, such as broths. Potato broth is the most widely consumed throughout the region.

Pork and fish

It is also very common in the gastronomy of the Andean region to cook dishes with the pig as the main animal in its ingredients. But river fish is also very popular to eat on their plates.


As for the most popular drinks in the Andes region, the following predominate:

  • The masato. Masato is a drink made from cassava, rice, corn or pineapple.
  • The chicha. The name encompasses all alcoholic beverages made from cereals and corn.
  • El champus. The champus is a drink that is made from corn, honey, lulo pulp and pineapple.

Typical desserts

Andean region gastronomy tamal

What would a gastronomy be without the desserts that represent the place where they are consumed? So, In Andean gastronomy you cannot miss desserts typical. Among the most representative desserts are:

  • The Veleño sandwich
  • The curuba fluff
  • The milk flan
  • The curd of melao
  • The cape gooseberry and papayuela sweets
  • The flirtatious
  • The almojábana cake
  • The Muisca flan

If you ever travel to the Andes region, do not forget everything you have read here to know what to eat and what are the typical dishes of the Andean region within its wide gastronomy. If you do not have the opportunity to travel to the Andes region but would like to try their dishes, then you can search the recipes on the Internet to be able to make them yourself and enjoy those peculiar flavors that have so much to do with Colombian society. . If at the beginning it does not turn out as you would like, surely with practice you will be able to achieve good results in terms of the dishes and the taste of them.

Gastronomy is a way of showing the world what a specific society is like, and it is clear that the gastronomy of the Andes region shows us how they are connected with themselves, with the world and nature. The typical food of the Andean region that we have seen in this post is a clear example of this.

If you want to know more about Colombian customs, click on the link that we just left you.

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  1.   grow up said

    fools this is not what I'm looking for but the arepas I like bye

  2.   ladyyuliana said

    As far as I know, the food is that the cheese, the soups, the vegetables, and the classroom soups, and that they don't taste like anything, and that well, that's very easy to eat and it's pure luck for other people and that next year will be very different. for the other person and for me, goodbye friends, I love you: o: p: e: d

  3.   karen yulieht said

    So rich these arepas if you do not attack me well said said the saying hahahahajajaajajaj ♥

  4.   lus daris said


  5.   johann sebastian contreras said

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  7.   camel said

    look at how the dishes are cooked

    1.    valery said

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  8.   ivan said

    party of unhappy bastards who do not know how to write

    1.    JAVIER said




  10.   yury said

    super cho did not know that the masato could be made with cassava and pineapple should be deli

  11.   martha lucia florez said

    cooking seems very interesting because I like the

  12.   daniela mozquera said

    humm humm thank you baby zoi Rmozaa¡¡¡¡¡

  13.   yirina patricia rodriguez berdugo said

    Cumbia is one of the most representative folkloric vailes of cumbia folklore whose name seems to derive from the cumbe voice, a popular Guinean dance in the boot zone in Africa in its origin the cumbia is of African origin, at the time a mestizo dance being subjected to indigenous and Hispanic influences

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    The Orinoqui region is too charra

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  17.   Paul said

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    1.    Guest said


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    It seems to me a very bad page because they do not explain well: D

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    thank you sirbio 🙂

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      how good sorry and in what

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      sorry for the first opinion but I was responding to Gabriela
      and everyone is not right in their comments ok

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  46.   jeyssy alejandra calzados said

    I found the Andean food fabulous and delicious acemas

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  49.   Hally Yuleisy Mora Mengual said

    Thank you so much:)

  50.   THE PROO said


  51.   THE PROO said