Discover the origin of the name "Roma"

We well know that Roma It has a vast history, that is why we always speak of a city divided into two eras, the "old" and the "new" Rome. And how about history It is, the city once, many years ago, was baptized with its particular name. If you want to find out where the name of the italian capitalPlease pay attention to the following article.

The word Rome is, in principle, from latin origin. It finds its origin in two twin brothers, who managed to be very important characters for the city: "Romulus" y "Rowing": the first was the first king of the city and the second, according to the legend, was killed by his own brother. Legend tells us that Remus, totally drunk, challenged Romulus so that he would not become the new the king. In his critical state he jumped over a kind of plow furrow and it was at that precise moment that Romulus, full of fury, decided to kill him.

After an unfortunate event, Romulus, full of repentance, decides to give a holy burial to his brother Remus and buries him by his own means on top of the palatine, giving his name to the city he was about to rule.

After this fact, the new city called "Rome" rose in the "pomoeriumPalatino and Romulus would become the sovereign of it. During his government he created the Roman Senate, conforming it with 5 members called "fathers", From which the famous"patricians”. In turn, he divided the Roman population into 30 curiae or congregations and decreed that the city be "filled" with people of "all kinds", namely: barbarians, slaves, refugees, fugitives, criminals, in order to populate it and in this way create an imposing city in view of the world that was being forged on the outskirts of Italy.

A curious fact is that for some years it has been questioned whether it was really the history of Romulus and Remus that gave rise to the name of the city. Several historians affirm that the name is related to the Tiber river, affirming that the word Roma would mean "river", or, better said, "the people on the river", since formerly the tiber river it trickled down throughout the city, gaining much of the territory that today is occupied by the city.

Whatever the origin of the word "Rome", we must not miss it as it has so many nuances to offer that it seems impossible to go through it thoroughly.

Image: mythosylegends

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