Bian Que, father of traditional medicine


No doubt that the Chinese traditional medicine it has a millenary history. In these centuries, numerous personalities are distinguished, who have made enormous contributions to the medical and health development of both the country and the whole world. And among the innumerable well-known doctors, stands out Bian what, is listed as a sage at the same height as Confucius and Sun Zi, author of the military work "Arts of War."

Bian Que lived about 2500 years ago in the Spring and Autumn Period, between the 3rd and 8th centuries BC. And the chronicles tell that his fame had the following origin: One day, Duke Huan, king of the State of Qi, met with Bian Que, who was already a famous doctor. 

But when he saw the monarch's face, Well That he ruled a disease that would worsen if not treated in time. However, the king scoffed at Bian Que's warning, saying that he was in the best shape and that doctors had a habit of treating healthy people to achieve their fame. A few days later, the king fell ill and passed away.

From this fact, Bian Que was considered the father of traditional Chinese medicine, and creator of the four diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese medicine, which are: observation, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, and taking the pulse.

It is said that his greatest expertise was acupuncture since it was he who used iron needles for the first time, replacing those made of bone and stone, a practice that contributed to the final use of silver needles. Traditional Chinese medicine today pays little attention to virtue in medical practitioners. They teach superficial elements while ignoring the teachings of the past. There are no longer any Bian Que or other "miracle doctors."


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