En Canada The gastronomy, although it may seem to us to be poor and very little varied, is really the opposite since it has a diversity of foods that really surprises. It is a gastronomy in addition to being very colorful and really tasty.
In general, Canadian cuisine mixes the aboriginal base with the influence of the different communities of settlers that were arriving in these lands throughout the centuries. In the city of Toronto alone, more than 60 communities are mixed, although Chinese and Italian are the ones with the greatest presence in terms of gastronomy.
If we go to Canada, in addition to being very cold, we can find very typical dishes in which the main ingredient is meat, as is often the case in England and the United States. Depending on the season, the table offers fish, shellfish, crustaceans, meats and game. Quebec prides itself on the wide variety of quality cheeses it produces; likewise, beer, wine, cider and mead abound.
The best known typical dishes are the boulette ragout (a meat stew with legumes) and the Cretons du Québec (pork that is served cold). The Isle of Orleans, located northeast of Québec City, provides fruits and vegetables to the entire province. Another typical Canadian product is smoked salmon since it is consumed throughout the country, unlike other dishes or foods such as poutine and Buffalo meat. In the northern territories, you should try gray pollock and Arctic trout.
And following the French tradition, Canada offers a wide variety of wines and spirits to accompany meals. Some of these wines are imported from Europe. Drinks made from maple sap They are the specialty of the region especially cider. Little by little we will unveil the great mysteries and dishes of Canadian cuisine, which are many and varied. The tourist's palate will undoubtedly be very satisfied.