Chinese New Year decorations

El Chinese New Year It is the most important festival for the people who celebrate by eating the Year of the Dragon, visiting friends and family and placing decorations in their houses. Such festive ornamentations are:

The Kumquat tree

In Chinese, the kumquat is called Gam Gat Sue. The word "Gam" rhymes with the Chinese word for gold, and the word "Gat" sounds like the Chinese word for good luck. Therefore, having a kumquat tree in the house symbolizes "the abundance of wealth", and good luck.

The kumquat tree is a very popular plant for New Year decorations, especially in southern China, Hong Kong, Guangdong, and Guangxi.


Peony is considered as "Flower of wealth and good luck" in Chinese, and therefore, it is a favorable plant.

Red lanterns

Chinese lantern is used in festivals, especially in the Chinese New Year and the Lantern Festival. During the New Year, it is not uncommon to see Lanterns hanging in the trees in the streets, office buildings and doors of houses.

Paper cutouts

It is the art of cutting designs on paper (white, black or color), and then gluing them to a contrasting surface or a transparent surface. It is customary for people in North and Central China to paste the red paper cutouts on doors, windows. The image of an auspicious plant or animal is the theme of the new year paper cutting.

For example, the peach symbolizes longevity, the pomegranate, fertility, the love of the Mandarin duck, and the pine tree, eternal youth, the peony, honor and wealth, while the magpie perched on a tree branch. Plum portends a lucky event that will soon occur.

Nianhua: the New Year's painting

These paintings are pasted on doors during the New Year for decorative purposes and as a form of greeting. The paintings are called "New Year paintings" as they are mostly published during the New Year and are also a symbol of greetings for this holiday.

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