Dragon Pit



El Dragon Pit is fenghuangling, (near to West lake), crossing the village longjing. In olden times, villagers who lived off crops traveled to this site to pray and offer sacrifices so that the weather would help them and the rains would not forget them. Undoubtedly, these prayers served a lot, since the population continues to live off the tea production, the vegetation is abundant and the streams continue their unstoppable course. At that time, it was believed that the water found in the well was connected to the water of the sea; hence the mystical name derives from this, which was formerly called as longhong, Lon Qiu y Longquan.

El Temple found there is a product of the transfer of the old original that was in an area far from fenghuangling (initial location of the well) and that in 1438, during the third reign of the ming dynasty, the temple was moved to the site where it currently stands, near the village.

It is said that the Qianlong Emperor for the dynastya Qing He was on this site four times, dedicating himself to inscribe 32 poems (eight poems for each trip) under the inspiration of the eight panoramic points of the place, during his visits to the south of China. Later these poems were collected and compiled as the Odes to the Eight Views of Dragon Well, etched into numerous rock plates that are currently in place.

El Dragon Pit It is a beautiful place to enjoy nature, submerged under rich fragrances and immerse yourself in the history of the China ancient.

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