Getting around in Shanghai with taxis, what it is like and how much it costs

Taxis in Shanghai

If you are thinking of visiting Shanghai and wondering how you are going to move around the city, I will tell you that Shanghai is the city of taxis. They abound.

The competition between taxis is such that this favors customers, especially those who live in the city who have a lower rate for being local. Take a taxi it's the fast way to get around shanghai and the truth is that it is an efficient system. The credit goes to the drivers who know the city and the traffic by heart.

Although there are many taxis and stopping them does not involve much hassle or time, it all depends on where you are in the city and the time and weather: rush hours and rain quickly fill all available taxis. The only point I find negative about taxis in Shanghai is that they do not share the same color.

Are of several colors so if you are a tourist and do not have a trained eye to detect them, you can lose them. There are white, green, yellow, blue, red, light blue and basically burgundy because there are many companies and each one paints its vehicles a different color. Of course, you will see that the vast majority are blue and red.

Taxis have a luminous logo on the front and a clear plastic cockpit around the driver to protect him. They also have a tarchymeter and a luminous disc that if it is lit denotes availability and, most importantly, an official license. There are many other taxis without a license and those do not suit you. What are the taxi fares in Shanghai?

There are two fees to consider: day and night. Between 5 am and 11 pm it is daytime and from 0 to 3 kilometers it costs RMB6, up to 10 km they add RMB 2 per kilometer and if the distance is greater than 5 km each costs 10 RMB. At night it is more expensive.

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