Distances between cities in Greece

Greece It is not a very big country, it is not like Australia which is really huge, so the distances between its different towns and cities are not very great, luckily for the tourist who has decided to jump on a bus or rent a car and pay for fuel.

Anyway, whenever we plan to travel a country we must know the distances So if Crete is our destination here are some information that will help you on the route. For example, in the prefecture of Rethymnon We will need between 30 and 45 minutes to drive from the same city to the other towns that are on the south coast and the same is true if we are in the prefecture lassithi.

In addition, Heraklion It is 65 km from Agios Nikolaos and about 147 from Sitia, which means that we will be about an hour driving to the first village and about two and a half hours to Sitia. In Heraklion it also takes between 90 minutes and two hours to get to visit the small towns that are around it on the south coast.

On the other hand, in the prefecture of Chania We will also need about an hour and a half by car to go from the city of Chania to the coastal towns, knowing of course that the city is about 60 km from Rethymnon, 138 km from Heraklion and about 204 km from Agios Nikolaos. And from Sitia a little more, 286 km. By car it is faster than by bus, it is true, and we will need about 30 or 40 minutes to join Chania with Rethymnon, two hours to reach Heraklion, three hours for Agios Nikolaos and about four and a half hours to join Chania with Sitia.

They are all distances and times to take into account when scheduling check in y check out of hotels, for example. And to know how much we can know in a single day.

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  1.   Miguel said

    I send you something from Crete