The legend of Deidre

One of the most popular Irish names is Deirdre. It is a name of Gaelic origin and is the name of one of the classic heroines of the irish mythology, but the best known of all. His story is found in the Ulster cycle and translated means "pain." Who was Deirdre? Well, she was the daughter of a bard and legend has it that being in her mother's womb, at a party, she uttered such a cry that all the knights began to fight among themselves. Then the Druid Cathbad prophesied that the girl would be very beautiful but that a curse would weigh on this beauty and that men would fight for her forever.

When the idea was born, it was to sacrifice this beauty with hair between blonde and red hair but the king of Ulster decided not to do it and lock her up in the care of an old woman to marry her as soon as she was old. But in the middle Deirdre falls in love with a young hunter and flees with him to the Kingdom of Alba, present-day Scotland. But her curse made all the kings want to kill her boyfriend, Naoise, to stay with her. Ultimately the couple ends up on a remote island although they cannot escape from Conchobar who finally finds them.

Naoise and her brothers fight against the king but he, invoking an oath of loyalty, manages to make Naoise hand over Deidre to him. The boyfriend and his brothers were later murdered and the story ends with the young redhead dying of grief or committing suicide. Conchobar ordered to bury his body in the hills but legend has it that it was transferred and buried next to that of his beloved.

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