If you are walking through the streets of Rome, more or less at the end of the Roman Forum, you will come across the Temple of Saturn, a temple dating from 497 BC that underwent a couple of reconstructions between 360 and 380 AD This temple was the center of the popular festival of Saturn o Saturnalia that it was celebrated every December and because of which, it is said, we celebrate Christmas (to cover it up).
Well, that Saturn was the god of agriculture (Cronos in Greek), the one who taught men to work the land and because of whom we call Saturday the day of the week. His feast was celebrated on December 17 and it was the most popular Roman festival of all since there was no work, slaves were temporarily freed and gifts were given and received. The Temple of Saturn It was built in the forum around 497 BC and served as a treasure house and as a temple. It was restored in 42 AD and later between 360 and 380 AD, with which it is speculated that Christians were still resentful then.
Today there are only about 8 columns of the portico and some stairs that went down to the basement where the treasure was kept. The columns are of Egyptian granite, pink and gray, and some are in one piece. Do not stop photographing it.