Norway continues to innovate in environmental care technology

Another clear example of the excellence and interest that Norway has for the environmental care has been presented in the Scandinavian country a few days ago, since the Norwegian company sway ace has built the sway windmill, a true jewel of modern engineering, which is supposed to generate a very important contribution to today's power generation.

This Windmill, designed exclusively to operate in open waters It is very superior to all that has been seen, since its construction allows it to be installed in areas even 350 meters deep, with improvements such as moving heads so that the blades can always be positioned against the wind and thus maximize their efficiency levels regardless of climatic factors.

While this kind of mills It will also be much more expensive than its predecessors, as indicated by its manufacturers, the isms will not mean more than profits to the companies, since not only do they generate more energy than the others, but their maintenance costs have also been reduced by very good measure.

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