Summer festivals in Sweden: Midsommar

In modern Sweden, between June 19 and 26 the arrival of summer is celebrated with the midsummer, which is one of the most important festivals of the year and probably the most exclusive in the way it is celebrated.

One of the main activities is to dance and sing around a maypole (midsommarstang) which is an activity that attracts families and many others. Before the May cross is raised, vegetables and flowers are picked and used to cover the entire pole.

People who dance around the stick listen to traditional music and sing songs like Små grodorna associated with the festival. Some traditional folk costumes and crowns made of wild waters and wild flowers are placed on the head. It is also the time to prepare the pickled herring, chives, sour cream, drink beer and taste the first strawberries of the season.

And among the traditions, young people choose bouquets of seven or nine different flowers and place it under their pillow in the hope of dreaming about their future spouse. In the past it was believed that herbs collected in midsummer were highly potent, and spring water could bring good health.

Also the color green is placed on the houses and barns which means that there is good luck and health for people and livestock with decorating with green leaves, although most do not take it seriously.

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