Venezuelan Recipes: Stewed Bay Beans

The Beans are one of the typical products of Venezuela Because it is grown and also produced for export, these ingredients have been used for centuries in the gastronomy of Venezuela not only to prepare recipes for dinner or lunch but also that beans are included in breakfast, this time we will give you a typical recipe from Venezuela These are bay beans, which are cooked as if they were stewed.

The ingredients we need to prepare this typical recipe from Venezuela are the following, 500 grs. of bay beans, 300 grs. of pork which can be chopped ribs or leg, 1 onion, finely chopped, 3 cloves of garlic, a tablespoon of finely chopped parsley, 1 banana, 5 American tomatoes, 600 cc. of meat or vegetable broth, 1 red bell pepper, seasonings, salt and pepper to taste.

La bay beans recipe It is very easy and quick to prepare, to make it we must chop all the vegetables finely, the tomatoes are cut into cubes, the meat is also cut into cubes, the first step to prepare the recipe for bay beans is to place a tablespoon of oil in a saucepan, then add the onion and bell pepper, fry these ingredients, and then add the pork, mix all the ingredients, while these ingredients are cooking, then add the bay beans, mix everything well, we wait for them They cook for a time of 10 minutes and then we add the rest of the ingredients, except the broth since it will be used to cook the beans previously.

When all the ingredients are cooked, our bay beans are ready, and we can accompany them with toasts or flour tortillas, remember that the beans must be soaked 12 hours in advance and then cooked in the vegetable broth, after that. we must incorporate to the preparation.

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