Trains between Sydney and Melbourne

We are talking about how to unite the two most touristic and important cities in Australia: Sydney and Melbourne. We talked before about the possible roads you can follow if you rent a car. It is worth it because the trip is very beautiful but there are also other options: for example, the train.

Is there trains between Melbourne and Sydney? Of course, these trains run every day via Country Link. Of course, it is not a short trip because you are about 11 hours on the train. He calculates that the price of the ticket is around 90 Australian dollars (one way). For lovers of train travel it is a good experience because you forget to drive and only dedicate yourself to enjoying what you see through the window. The case, the inconvenience or the annoyance that I see when traveling between the two cities by train is that when you compare the price of the ticket with the cost of a flight on a low-cost airline… well, you stay with the plane.

It costs more or less the same and the route takes one hour, you can even find cheaper tickets still.

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