Curiosities of Egypt for children

The children and the pyramids

Egypt is a country with a lot of history, so much so that one of the first civilizations in the world originated here, no more and no less than 5 years ago. A fascinating place to teach about the first civilizations and the history of mankind. And if it can be in the first person taking our children, much better. They will be totally impressed.

So if the political climate allows it, feel free to look at a hotel comparator, reserve a place and travel to the cradle of civilizations.


Although, formerly it was not called that, but Kemet, which means 'the black earth'. And the fact is that the Nile River gave them fertile land every year, where they could grow wheat and barley, two basic cereals of their diet, so they immediately realized that, really, the river was their source of life.

Thus, they built their pyramids, temples and impressive pillars very close to it, so that they always had the precious water at their fingertips. Well, the water… and its gods. In fact, they believed that all the forces of nature were a god, to whom they had to worship so that everything remained calm, since otherwise, the evil Seth would go on to rule the country, something they did everything possible to avoid.

The pharaohs and their family had stone temples and palaces built; However, humble people lived in houses made of bricks, mud and straw called adobes that time, unfortunately, has destroyed. Although some remains have remained, as in Deir el-Medina. The houses had two rooms and a hall, and the roof was made of logs and leaves covered with mud.

Egypt Deir El Medina

In spite of everything, it must be said that they were very conceited, both the nobles and ordinary people. They mixed vegetable oils to get creams that hydrated the skin, painted their nails, waxed, ... they even found papyri with cosmetic formulas that served to eliminate gray hair, hair loss, dandruff ... In short, they were very concerned By its appearance. Too much even.

It should be noted that, according to some papyri written back in 2700 BC, they were very polite. So much so that it was not seen well to eat fast, or to get into trouble. And, in addition, they advised listening to others, because you can learn a lot from them.

Still, if something happened to them or they got sick, they could go to the doctor, who would examine them carefully and prepare their medicine. To become a doctor, one had to first learn to read and write, but it was not easy at that time, since only a few could afford it: the scribes. They were dedicated to writing in hieroglyphs, which are drawings with a specific meaning, on papyrus, recounting everything important that happened, such as the death and subsequent mummification of the pharaoh.

Egyptian culture for children

It is not pleasant to see a dead man, but ancient Egyptians discovered how to make the body remain almost intact for years, even millennia. At that time, when a person died, the heart, lungs and other organs were removed and placed in clay pots called canopic vessels. Afterwards, aromatic herbs were introduced, and the body was covered with salt. After two months, it was washed, smeared with special creams and bandaged, finally placing it in a sarcophagus where, it was expected, it would remain for eternity.

Egypt is a fascinating country, don't you think?

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