The black cat as a symbol of superstition in Egypt


In the esoteric world and superstitions, the cats historically they have been linked to beliefs about magical powers significantly superior to man. This ancient belief derives from the worship of the mythical Egyptian goddess Bubastis, who was represented in the shape of a cat.

The Egyptians believed that cats had a soul, and a very important proof of this is the mummified remains of these cats, not in vain they were found by the thousands in archaeological excavations.

In the Middle Ages, the story goes that the witches transformed the black cat into a very important element to carry out their rituals and spells. Nowadays, the superstitious are afraid of the black cat that crosses their path. This fact clearly represents the conflict that took place between the Church and the pagan practices of witchcraft.

In Egypt, the cat was considered the reincarnation of the gods who were in the process of communicating with men to express their will to them. The cats in the Ancient Egypt They were also mummified and anyone who killed a cat received the death penalty.

She viajas a Egypt You can find dozens of souvenir options with the figure of a black cat.

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