Russian curiosities, birthdays, drinks and messages


Once again we continue to analyze the many curiosities about Russia and the behavior of its citizens. There are specific names for certain areas of the city, or for monuments. Also gastronomic customs and traditions, today we continue to analyze a little more about how Russians are to try to solve doubts about their personality and behavior.

Did you know that the subway lines in Moscow are called the Underground Palace? This is mainly due to the impressive architecture of its stations and the excellent service, punctual and fast, of all its branches. At peak times Moscow's subways run every XNUMX minutes to guarantee transportation for all its passengers. It is one of the most acclaimed and beloved subways in Europe and the world.

Unlike traditional birthday celebration In the West, in Russian traditions, it is the birthday boy who brings food and drink to his party to show his affection and attention to the guests. Another curious detail regarding drinks, when they drink tea they usually put a lot of sugar, up to almost two centimeters the most exaggerated.

One detail that one can instantly recognize is the difficulty of Russians to throw away what is old or no longer has a clear use. They don't usually throw things away and that's why one has the feeling that Russians are a bit accumulators, even if they are things that are no longer useful or are broken.

And when it comes to communicating? They may seem cold and expressionless but Russians tend to fill their chat communications with emoticonsThey mainly enjoy putting parentheses to accentuate and emphasize the message they want to convey.

What other curious qualities or characteristics do you remember about Russians? Do you think they could also be applied in other cities and countries in the world?

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