Traditional Russian cuisine and gastronomic tourism are important at Absolut Russia and today we rededicate an entry to the flavors and dishes most famous in the country.
Taking into account the cold country temperatures, It is very normal that Russian meals are mainly related to hot salads, sauces and meats of all kinds, in addition, fish is the basis for their diet thanks to the climate that allows their conservation and makes them ready to create all kinds of truly excellent dishes .
When it comes to sweets, in Russia Mushrooms and cereals are widely used for muffin and cake recipes, although there are also dishes that enjoy these ingredients as spices, giving them a unique flavor. Bittersweet has a lot of presence in Russian gastronomy.
Some of the most important dishes, whose recipes we will present to you in Absolut Russia, include the famous Stroganoff steak, Pelmeni or the various soups, ideal food to combat cold temperatures.
La food custom in Russia it resembles that of western peoples. There are three meals: zavtrak (breakfast), obyed (lunch), and dinner (uzhin). Following the old saying "eat breakfast like kings, lunch like counts and dinner like a commoner", the main meal of the day is breakfast, energetic and varied to provide energy to use throughout the day. Lunch is a bit more relaxed, and dinner is pretty bare, no dessert or soup.