The dance of the Chechens

The largest (and best known) of all the ethnic groups in the North Caucasus are the Chechens. Like their Ingush neighbors, Chechens are an ancient people who have developed a rich culture of song and dance.

According to research, the movements and figures of the Chechen group was like a link in the worship of the sun. The magical quality attributed to the circle, which is pronounced in the symbolism of the patterns in Koban and later Alanian pottery and petroglyphs in medieval, is quite visible in Chechen dance.

Chechen dances are divided into groups, couples and solitaire. There are group of men and women and solo dances.

According to prominent Chechen ethnologist Said-Magomed Khasiev, group folk dances required four, six, or eight pairs (that is, an even number), and their arrangement resembled the classical swastika. Such dances were connected with the solar and various cultured land tillage.

The different genres of Chechen folk dances have their roots in their origin, the medium in which they appeared, and their semantics. These are rituals (wedding, rain spell, etc), labor (war dances, shepherd dances, and others), festive and liturgical dances.
He is not human, but a divine being. Meanwhile, the young woman slides on her forehead on the shoulder of a semicircle, first on the right, as the boy tiptoes, with his arm up, follows her, turning 180 degrees. From that instant, the labyrinth begins unfolding in the opposite direction

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