How to travel from Miami to the Bahamas

Navigate from Miami, Florida at Bahamas it generally offers calm waters during the summer. From intrepid explorers to the occasional vacationer, the waters of the Bahamas attract many people to experience sailing through a boat that appears to float on a glass table.

The Bahamas also has different destination options on most of its islands, offering a number of tropical beaches, remote anchorages, sites for spectacular scuba diving and countless sunsets, diving and fishing areas.


1. There are many ports in the Bahamas and tourist spots that can be reached from Miami. For example, the Bahamian district of Bimini is the closest to Miami at only 48 miles. A few kilometers further from Bimini, you can go to Cayo Gato and other islands in the Gulf Stream.

For the more happening tourist spots, you may want to sail to Nassau, with its duty-free shops, golf courses, nature parks, museums, restaurants and diving spots, and countless beach areas.

2. Keep in mind that the visitor can travel around six to eight hours in a speedboat with an experienced crew to reach the Bahamas. A fast sailing boat through very favorable winds in some cases will reach the Bahamas in as little as three hours or even less.

3. In general, the South Atlantic high pressure system and the constant trade winds in the Bahamas provide an almost the same climatic conditions throughout the year. Temperatures in the Bahamas are around 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the winter dry season from December to May and hotter five to eight degrees during the summer rainy season. A constant cooling breeze generally, moderate best times of the day, and a mild breeze persists every night.

4. You have to prepare your travel documents and read the navigation and tourist guides since you will be traveling outside the United States, so you have to carry your passport, regardless of the mode of transportation used (except for cruise ships). closed circuit). There are customs officers at these ports of entry and they are authorized to act on behalf of the Immigration office.

5. If you travel by sailing, you must prepare the ship as part of the basic needs such as food and drinks, carry the explorer's travel books, brochures and letters to serve as useful guides during your trip. Make sure you carry enough spare parts and navigation items, including bilge pumps, lights and batteries, reliable safety equipment such as life jackets, flares and aerial fire extinguishers, and fully functioning communication and navigation equipment such as a mobile phone and GPS.

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