overtown It is a little known place within the city of Miami, since normally the low-income sites, although anyone who appreciates a little of the cultureYou are sure to find great appeal in this neighborhood.
Happens that overtown it is one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city of Miami, in which there are a large number and inhabitants, about 10.000, huddled together in a small territory, so anyone can imagine that in this place there are many precarious and very small apartments and houses.
It is worth noting that although this is one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city and that it is full of public houses, crime rates on the site are very low, so that tourists can walk around the place without fear of being mugged.
It is important to highlight the government's work on this site, since for a long time houses are being restored on site, trying in some way to give a better lifestyle to the working families that live in this place.